I actually wanted to celebrate Mathilda’s 6 months with a whirlwind of daily blog extravaganza. But reality turned in: several appointments and preparations of our moving to another apartment. The new one is luckily only streets away – we love you, Vanderkindere Quartier – but a move is a move and will be extra hysterical with a baby.

Anyway, our little week of love started perfectly with the birth of Baby Cambridge on monday and brought back a lot of memories and emotions of Mathilda’s birth. I nearly melted when Kate and William presented their bundle of love to the world.

But now Mathilda is with us since 6 months. Since six months I’m a Zombie-Mama, I don’t sleep anymore, I share my bed with a musical frog toy and several cuddle sheeps, my supply of eye cream increased up to 150 %,  I got a cupboard full of clothes still two sizes too small for me to wear, I’m already happy if I don’t fall asleep on the loo and if I get to brush my teeth before midday. I fell off the stairs twice because of my constant tiredness  and I wear my clothes inside out.

Photo on 2013-07-26 at 12.39 #3 Photo on 2013-07-26 at 12.39 Photo on 2013-07-26 at 12.38 #2 Photo on 2013-07-26 at 12.37 #2.

All in all I feel like a retarded hippopotamus with a bad haircut.

These six months went way too fast and I wouldn’t want to miss a single moment.